Pronto vou postar em cima do Miller mas ele que me desculpe mas é um assunto muito importante…LOL
E passo a partilhar:
Top 13 Reasons to Date an X-ray Tech:
1. We do our best work in the dark.
2. We can see through your clothes.
3. We know all the positions.
4. We are well developed.
5. The chemistry is always right.
6. We know what buttons to push.
7. We have all the right techniques.
8. We know how to warm up a tube.
9. We know how to get the best penetration.
10. When you need it now, we make it wet.
11. Human anatomy is common knowledge.
12. We do it on the table and sometimes we slip it in the bucky.
13. Radiation physics: Hard Beam + Tight Collimation = Adequate penetration!!!!
Hell yeah!... =D
Receita de Bolo e creme de iogurte com romã
Há 6 meses
2 sentidos:
Pronto, estou convencida ;)
tu andas com ideias, ai andas andas....
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